Saturday, August 14, 2010


Lots of people searching for how do I get adsence. It is true adsence can make people drool with dollar income. So, this time I will share tips on how to get adsence. 

In the online business strategy this time, I want to share tips for registering a new account in adsense. In playing around in my program called Google AdSense can be categorized as a new player, no less than eight months ago I registered a simple blog using blogspot I've made a theme of "motivation", and for content (content) I take as many as 10 articles a directory named article, one day after I finished the blog, I immediately registered to Google AdSense for new accounts. The next day (less than 24 hours) my application is accepted and a new account Miqdaad active since then ... hmm piece of cake? Miqdaad try buatin AdSense account with my brother the same way, create a blog on blogspot, take the article at, sign into the Google AdSense program, then what happens? Yep That's right! Applications are also accepted and my brother in less than 24 hours, exactly like me. And because it's so powerful this way, I also began searching on the Internet if anyone else is also using this method? It turns out I saw there were enough people who recommended this way, it's about 7-8 months ago. But now what happens? In early October 2008, I attempt to open a new account for my friend in the same way, but the result is two times my application is rejected ... and not only that, AdSense also takes 5-7 days to proclaim the results of his decision. Results Analysis of I? Google AdSense was kind enough to give a second reason for rejecting a new application that I asked it, and the following email from Google AdSense. ---------------------- Hello, Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after conducting the examination of applications, we can not accept you in Google AdSense at this time. The application is not approved for the reasons listed below. Problem: - Page type ------- Further details: Page type: We are currently unable to approve your AdSense application because we feel that your site does not comply with Google's webmaster quality guidelines. To be more specific, we believe your site has no added value or provide unique content. ---------------------- Rejection reason they are "unique content", list the blogs that I did clearly not unique content because I live COPAS (Copy Paste) from, the same as when you use Private Label Article without modification, if eight months ago it This is not an issue, now Google's AdSense is clearly starting close ranks and implement new, more stringent rules for the acceptance of new accounts to maintain the quality of publishers in their network and would also protect the interest of advertisers. Actually the problem is unique content already exists in the regulations bahala AdSense since antiquity, but for some reason was not too forced to review the acceptance of new accounts, but if the present problems unique content into a mandatory standard, would not want us to be willing to follow you? There are some who I can place the AdSense site using COPAS results from EzineArticles, last night I started to remove a site, and put unique content on my other website, jiper also would:-p Now if you want to list the new account in AdSense, be sure to create unique articles posted on the blog for you, I know you might say, "oh I can not english, how to Dunk?" My advice is like I never do (I am not never love advice that I myself do not have) that is taken in ezinearticle article, and re-write the article. Yes correct rewrite, replace the title, foxes and grammar, create a new article still has the original with the same points with the original article. And following these tips you can immediately use. Tips rewrite the article a la Sam ... Read the first paragraph of the article, get the point (what you want diutarkan by the author) of that first paragraph. For example I take the example of an article on "dating" Articles Source (Original) Finally so you got a date with that Special Someone but are a bit nervous thinking about what you Should talk about. The biggest fear most people tend to have is the fear of going blank in the mind Which often leads to an Awkward silence?
Bim Sala Bim will be Sam Indrajaya article ... After being single for a very long time, Finally you got a chance to date a special Someone huh?I know that you're probably feeling a little bit nervous about your date ESPECIALLY thinking about what are you going to talk about? Going blind in the mind actually the biggest problem most of us That Encounter During our date, Why is this a problem? Well, cans Because this leads to both of you a very an Awkward silence, you sure do not want to Happen That right?
You look at pieces of the second article that I wrote a new article has become pieces of the original but still has points like the original article (which I point bold and italic) and even better because I also added a new grammar :-) and pieces of new articles This I can assure you we do not have both on the internet, this is my unique content. This is what I do to create a unique content to my AdSense sites, yes I know it takes skill in English, but this is the way I do, if you're lazy to write or do not have the skill to write English, you can lease services "freelance writer" in, of course you have to pay about 3-5 dollars per article for 10 articles so you have to exit the pocket aja around 50 Dollars :-( Now if you're stuck then the options that you have is the "Take Course" ato "Pay Service People" hehe. Remember that writing ability is vital in doing business online, have this ability and you can become a successful online businessman, not only in the Google AdSense program but also in programs other online businesses. Ok Gaulers Do not give up ya ... see u in my next post. Stay Cool And Gaul :-)

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